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Update Player Data

This is a function for updating player data on prodigy's servers.


Here is an example:

from prodigy import update_player

player_data = {} # Player Data

result = update_player("token", player_data)

print("Success!" if result == "" else result)

This can change your level to 100:

from prodigy import player, update_player

token = "" # Your jwt token

player_data = player(token)

player_data["data"]["level"] = 100

result = update_player(token, player_data)

print("Success!" if result == "" else result)


Update player requires one parameter. Being token.

Token should be a string.

There are no keywords.


This will output nothing if the request was sent successfully.

If an error occurred and the response is not an empty string, you should parse the text as a json, and get the value of message.

Last update: 2021-08-02
Created: 2021-08-02